What is Dermaplaning?

Sadie Young
December 20, 2023

It can be kind of hard keeping up with all of the “derma” procedures going around, but they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, so let’s just embrace the confusion! Dermaplaning is the highlight today, so hopefully we’ll be able to set it straight for you.

What is Dermaplaning

Dermaplane Columbus Ohio

Dermaplaning is a treatment where an esthetician, using an exfoliating scalpel tool, removes dead skin cells and hair from the face. So basically they’re shaving your face? Yes and no. While shaving uses a razor blade and focuses on getting rid of the hair, dermaplaning uses a special scalpel tool that removes more than just the peach fuzz (vellus hair). It scrapes off the top layer of skin (dead skin cells), and all the junk and debris that likes to attach itself to our skin. Think of dermaplaning as like a more precise exfoliation treatment than say a typical exfoliating cleanser. It usually lasts anywhere from 2-4 weeks and can be done on a monthly basis.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Exfoliation is definitely the best friend to those of us with dry skin, so dermaplaning gives all the benefits of removing the dead skin cells on our face. But, it’s not just for those with dry skin. Dermaplaning can work with most skin types, but it’s not great for those with active acne as it can irritate and cause harm to already inflamed skin. A skincare treatment that is great for most skin types? You know we love that! So… Cool, you “shave but don’t shave my face,” but then what? What does it do for me? So glad you asked, inner me. Dermaplaning has some amazing results. It has been known to:

  • Remove peach fuzz
  • Improve moisture of the skin
  • Minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce appearance of acne scars
  • Correct uneven skin tone
  • Improve appearance of dry or sun-damaged skin

On top of all of those excellent reasons to try dermaplaning, it gives your skin the perfect smooth canvas when you begin your makeup routine. It’s like that nice feeling after you’ve waxed off your upper lip hair and the makeup just glides right on like Michelle Kwan on ice (does that reference date me? Probably, but I could have gone even older and said Kristi Yamaguchi). Like smooth as a baby’s bottom smooth. Dermaplaning FTW!

What to Expect During a Dermaplaning Procedure

Dermaplane Columbus Ohio

Did I get you excited for it yet? Good! To make it even better, I’ll walk you through the procedure so you’ll know exactly what to expect and when you go to your appointment you can be like, hmm no ma’am I know what’s going to happen because I’m an expert so no need to give me an explanation. Except, they probably do a better job than me explaining it… ANYWAY, a dermaplaning procedure is done in under an hour. The esthetician begins by cleaning the face. Once dry, the non-invasive  procedure will start. Using a sterilized 10-gauge scalpel (sounds cringier than it really is) held at a 45 degree angle, the esthetician will pull the skin taut and apply quick feathery motions against the skin. This removes the peach fuzz and dead skin layer. Because the skin is prepped from the procedure, ready and more apt to absorb products, it can be good to combine this treatment with other skin treatments (facials that include serums and moisturizers).

Okay so that wasn’t exactly a “hard to explain” tutorial, but hey, dermaplaning is pretty straightforward and definitely worth the hype so what are you waiting for? Book with us today!

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